Looking to attend schools in Lousiana? Look no more: check out our comprehensive schools directory and research the best degrees for you. Louisiana Schools: Pursuing Your Dreams in the Bayou
Louisiana, also known as the "Sportsman's Paradise," is a collection of tradition (rich Cajun influences, marvelous cuisine, the birthplace of jazz), coupled with the sophisticated amenities and culture of larger cities like Baton Rouge. New Orleans, and Shreveport. Current-day attractions include a wealth of outdoor activities, rich local flavors, and miles of beautiful waterways. When you come to the "Sportsman's Paradise," your future is forefront.
Louisiana is home to an industry-favorable climate, and agricultural industries like seafood, cotton, soybeans, cattle, sugarcane, poultry and eggs are crucial money makers. Other top industries include chemical products, petroleum and coal products, food processing, transportation equipment, and tourism.
It's no wonder the Louisiana state motto is "union, justice, and confidence." Truthfully, the motto is a lesson in unity, perseverance, and overcoming obstacles. Simply put, Louisiana's miles of bayou, lowlands, and rivers offer everyone the liberty of education, and the opportunity to succeed, no matter the specialty. With the help of a statewide schools directory, you can get started pursuing your dreams in no time!
McCann School of Business & Technology (McCann) has a history of helping students succeed through hands-on education and career training. Our faculty and staff work to ensure that when you've completed your program, you're truly ready to begin your career.
Each day at Remington College, we talk to people looking to make a change - people who believe that an education can make a real difference and can lead to new and better opportunities for those who are committed to doing the work.