Widely varying opportunities can be found in Illinois. With our schools directory, you can find which ones are right for you.
Illinois school directory: explore your options
Illinois makes the news with tornadoes, floods, winter storms and lightning. Sometimes, a windfall comes with the extreme weather. The Illinois Water Survey website reveals that after El Nino retailers brought in almost a billion in additional revenues, and home sales rose.
Besides talk of the weather, Illinois offers every register of cultural experience: Cosmopolitan Chicago, Amish communities, Shawnee National Forest, Great shopping--4.3 percent of national retail sales.
Experience an Illinois education:
You will not be left out in the cold looking for education in Illinois. The state budget foregrounds education, with operating expenditures for elementary and secondary studies ranking among the nation's top five.
Illinois is a bread basket state:
The high-earning groups include the following occupations: Management; Architecture and engineering; Life, physical and social science; Community and social services; Legal; Education, training and library.